Children & People

No matter where you go, children or people can be more interesting than the all of the temples, museums, landscapes, sunsets combined. Depending on the region of the world, they live in either safe and happy conditions or poor and miserable ones, yet, even those who are in miserable conditions can somehow find a way to smile as the bombs drop or where the poverty is so extreme. The unfortunate part is I do not always make the children a focal point for my camera unless they are living in highly impoverished countries. Click any image and the Lightbox viewer will open a larger view.

I title this Little Man, Big Dreams. I found this very young boy sitting astride his camel and though he was very small, he had total control of the animal, something that I had to learn how to do for myself. One day he will grow into an adult man but the country he lives in has been in the throws of upheavals since 2010 with no end in sight. I have gone back many times since this image was taken in 2007 and all I can say is that the road to happiness in this country will be years in the making. Photo: Giza Suburbs, Cairo, Egypt, outside the wall going to the Pyramids.

This girl was doing a little show for the tourists in this country and as you can see, the tourists there were sitting in their sun lounges watching as she did her act which was a tight rope where the supporting ends were hastily staked into the beach sand. I was very impressed with her balance as she rode the small wheel across the rope between the two ends. In many countries such as this, there is little opportunity for making money but I must say that her performance was very good, however the donations were very small. What can I say, tourists can be so cheap when it comes to things like this. Photo: Anjuna Beach, Goa, India

On a bus run from the border city of Hekou, China to Kunming, we make a stop for food. I was the only western face on the bus and as I am walking around I see this boy. At first he has this rabbit on the ground kicking it in a very mean spirit so I just watch, then the boy sees me with my camera and what does he do, pose for this shot. Ear of corn in one hand, V sign and poor rabbit by the ears in the other. Not sure what happened to the rabbit after I got back on the bus. Photo: Unknown city, China

This is a sadder story than the one above. This photo was taken in 2009 and in this part of the world, work is hard for even the youngest. This boy was on a train and his job was to clean the rubbish the passengers so casually discarded on the floor of the train. I frequently visit this country and in my recent travels I have not seen these boys on the trains any longer do this type of work. His pay was from the passengers who would give him money as he swept the rubbish from the train compartments and isles. Photo: Unknown location, India

Children are very playful and so I allowed my playful side to take over in this image. During a trip to this country I was taking photos of the very friendly children and during my walk it seemed that all the children wanted their photo taken by me. I found this one boy and he spoke good English so I asked him to do something for a photo. You can see him as he is holding up the weight of the earth with his head and hands. Actually, he was doing a head stand but I inverted the image to give it the appearance of his mighty strength. Photo: Sihanoukville, Cambodia

The children in this country are extremely friendly and as I am walking this one city observing normal life as opposed to the touristic side of the city I see this young girl sitting in a beautifully constructed swing which was constructed entirely of bamboo. I believe it was the combination of this swing with its construction of curved pieces of very large diameter bamboo and  the young girl which to my mind composed a very lovely image. Photo: Siem Reap, Cambodia

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