Creative - Photo Art Images

From time to time I will do compilations or creative imagery for a change of pace and a different visual take on the things we might see in daily life. I do not generate many of these images as the time involved can take weeks to months to configure or produce the final versions. Please enjoy each one. There could also be a link which is in green and it is an active link to a web site for more information about the image. Just click the link and another browser window will open.

China Smoking
Smoking in China has been a part of the cultural fabric for generations. The most interesting part is the artwork for each packet of cigarettes. This compilation photo demonstrates this beautiful art work and in the Chinese culture, the packaging can be as important as the gift itself and this has translated to the cigarette packaging as well. A recent new ban on indoor smoking is now in place. Photo: Individual images taken in Chongqing, China

Warsaw Art Poster

Warsaw has a vibrant music scene and as I walked through the city I noticed the many individual posters for different musical groups which were preforming in the city. This image was created as a very large format "poster" of the many posters which were individually photographed and combined to produce what you now see. The final size of the printed image was 30 inches (76.2cm) wide and 50 inches (127cm) high, extremely high resolution. It is a conceptual vision of a creative mind attempting to generate unusual imagery from the ordinary. Photo: Warsaw, Poland

This image is another conceptual vision of a very iconic location in Berlin. With the aid of image processing software I decided to take the usual photographic image and turn it into what appears to be an oil painting on canvas. Photo: Berlin, Germany

Temple Luang Prabang
There is a very special temple which has some fantastic single panel paintings and keeping with the creative side of things I again decided to generate a compilation of these exquisite panels. You must search out this temple as I have forgotten its name and location. Photo: Luang Prabang, Lao

Las Puertas de Cartagena Colombia

If you walk through the old quarter of Cartagena and really observe, you will discover the wonderful doors which you now see. The images in this composite were selected from hundreds of images and each door was chosen for its colors and designs. The effort to photograph the doors took almost a weeks time total. The only problem with this image is you are unable to view it in the larger format which the image is produced so you can see the marvelous details of each door. I hope you enjoy seeing what can be seen if only you will look. Photo: Cartagena, Colombia

Chinese architecture is amazing and this location is one of the major tourist locations in the city. This image is a small section of the Tower of Buddhist Incense which had amazing colors and angles in construction. Is is a cropped image of one area of this structure. Photo: Summer Palace, Beijing, China

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