Showing posts with label Cambodia and Malaria Warnings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cambodia and Malaria Warnings. Show all posts

Cambodia & Malaria

This is a health advisory to all travelers going to Cambodia concerning strains of malaria which are becoming a very real hazard and potentially life threatening.

There is now a drug resistant strain of the Malaria virus in the western portions of Cambodia and at the present there is absolutely no drug for the prevention and whatever curative drugs which may exist are in most cases of little effect with the possibility of the virus mutating faster than new drugs coming online.

When traveling to these areas of Cambodia one needs to take advanced precautions using insect repellents with the active ingredient known as DEET and the higher the concentration of this ingredient the better. I understand that DEET has its issues but it is better to deal with these than malaria.

One other aspect of this drug resistant strain is that the potential for spread within SE Asia is very high over time so this will mean that travel could be adversely effected in the coming future if no effective drug(s) are found.

If you are going into remote areas it is advisable to take all precautions including mosquito nets, wearing long pants and long sleeve shirts where and when possible.

***As of 4-29-2013, the BBC has reported more information on the drug resistant strain of malaria which is becoming a concern for SE Asia.  The report is here.***

***As of 4-16-2013, the BBC has written a report detailing interesting data about mosquito's carrying the parasite that causes malaria.  The report is here.***

***There was a very recent report within the last few days as of 6th April, 2012 that this drug resistant strain of malaria which seemed to be isolated to western Cambodia has now spread into other countries such as Thailand and Myanmar. Please visit this link where a recent BBC report gives more information. This is not to scare you but to keep you informed.***

For other very good information please read the post Web Resources - Disease Information, which will direct your search to some of the best resources on the web when looking for information related to malaria and other mosquito borne diseases.

Travel Safe, Travel Happy

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